Book club for youth: Bare læs!
Bare læs!
A bookclub for youth
In the book club Bare læs! we meet and read a book together and share our thoughts. We don’t analyze or have specific learning objectives – we just read together. This November we will read Blomsterdalen by Niviaq Korneliussen in danish. The language is simple, so everyone can read along, even if danish is your second language or you speek a different Scandinavian tongue.
Every Thursday between 15-17, we set up a comfortable reading nook in the library at The Nordic house, with pillows and coffee. Every sunday we discuss the weekly reading in the comments of a designated instagrampost on @nordic_librarian. On Thursday November 25th we meet for a final workshop in The Nordic House
Reading guide – you don’t need to follow this perfectly, but if you want to avoid spoilers on the weekly posts, this is a guide:
Sunday November 7th: pages 1-74
Sunday November 14th: pages 75-125
Sunday November 21st: pages 125-229
Thursday November 25th: Workshop: Bare snak!
We meet at The Nordic House at 17. There will be readings and room to discuss the book or what it made us think about. We also serve snacks and coffee.
Come by the library and pick up a copy of Blomsterdalen or message emma@nordichouse.is if you want to participate or if you just have some questions.