Barbershop at Nordic House in Reykjavík – Mobilizing Men and Boys for Gender Equality
09:00 -16:00
Barbershop at the Nordic house – Mobilizing Men and Boys for Gender Equality
A Barbershop Conference focused on mobilizing men and boys for gender equality will be held at the Nordic House in Reykjavík on 23 May 2017. The conference is hosted by the Icelandic Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States and the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Gender inequality is one of the most significant global challenges today. To solve the issue, and to achieve true gender equality, it is of great importance to involve men and boys in the discussion and as a part of the solution. Barbershop events encourage men and boys to become actively engaged in promoting gender equality by better understanding how gender inequality limits the ability of individuals and communities to reach their full human, economic and social potential.
The Barbershop at the Nordic House will gather government officials, representatives of non–governmental and international organisations, regional networks, law enforcement and civil protection agencies, and other stakeholders from the Baltic Sea region to discuss how gender relates to violence and is an important factor in exploitation and trafficking in human beings. Improved legislative and law enforcement measures can ensure certain progress, but a shift in prevailing norms and attitudes is needed to prevent human trafficking.
Human trafficking is both a legal issue and a social issue, it is a violation of human rights and a breach of social norms. By bringing together experts from a variety of fields, the aim of the event is to forge synergies, provide a different perspective and right tools to address gender inequality and violence and become agents of change. Please register here: http://goo.gl/YNEm04
09:00-10:30 — OPENING PANEL: Inspiring attendants to become agents of change by highlighting examples of leading figures who are promoting gender equality and tackling human trafficking through their work with men and boys.
WELCOMING REMARKS: H.E. Mr. Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland
H.E. Mr. Per Anders Sunesson Ambassador against Human Trafficking, Sweden
Ms. Sigríður Björk Guðjónsdóttir Reykjavík Chief of Police, Iceland
Mr. Hjálmar Gunnar Sigmarsson Counsellor, Stígamót – Education and Counseling Center for Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Violence
Mr. Unnsteinn Manuel Stefánsson, Champion of the National Committe of UN Women Iceland
Moderator: Mr. Klas Hyllander | Gender Expert and Consultant
10:30-10:45 — COFFEE BREAK
10:45-12:00 — WORKSHOP: WHAT IS GENDER? Discussing gender stereotypes in our culture and the different ways men and women are expected to behave. Moderator Mr. Klas Hyllander | Gender Expert and Consultant
12:00-13:00 — LUNCH
Helping participants identify different types of violence that affect our communities, families and personal relationships and identify ways to intervene. Moderator Mr. Klas Hyllander | Gender Expert and Consultant
14:15-14:30 — COFFEE BREAK
14:30-16:00 — Expert Panel on causes and effect of human trafficking for sexual exploitation. PARTICIPANTS:
Mr. Radu Cucos Office of the OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings
Ms. Anu Leps National Coordinator, Ministry of Justice, Estonia
Ms. Steinunn Gyðu- og Guðjónsdóttir Counsellor, Stígamót – Education and Counseling Center for Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Violence, Iceland
Mr. Snorri Birgisson Chief Inspector, Reykjavík Police
Mr. Jan Austad Senior Adviser, Ministry of Justice and Police, Norway
Moderator: Mr. Anthony Jay | Head of Media and Communications, Council of the Baltic Sea States