Vatnsmýri Festival 2016
13:00- 15:00
Vatnsmýri Festival 2016
Nordic House, Sunday May 29th, 1-3 pm.
To celebrate the coming of summer the Nordic House invites all kids – and their families – to the annual festival
There will be various outdoor and indoor activities, and a brand new playground outside the hosue will be opened. Dr. Bike will be there to get your bicycle in shape for summer.
In late July 2016 the exhibition Century of the Child: Nordic Design for Children 1900 to today will open at the Nordic House. On that occasion we are opening a new climbing rock playground outside the house – and we decided to open it already on Sunday so that our younger guests can enjoy it all summer. The play rocks are all-Icelandic; designed and produced in Iceland by Krumma. The play rocks come from the new FLOW series and they are modelled on Iceland´s characteristic lava rocks. The FLOW playground is a collaboration between Krumma and the Nordic House.
Program (13:00-15:00):
11:00-13:00 Stories from the North. Writing workshop for children with writer Gerður Kristný. (Registration on https://tix.is/en/nordichouse). The workshop is part of Reykjavík Art Festival 2016.
13:00 Welcome and opening of the Krumma playground
o Dr. Bike gives your bicycle a refreshing treatment for summer
o Puzzle game
o Drawing workshops
o Dance party and games with DJ Magga Maack
o The ice cream van will stop by – ring-ring
o Fire-bake your own Scandinavian ”snobrød” (twist bread)
o Kids´ cinema