12+ Shorts for Children -Riff
12+ Shorts for Children
2 October
Niki Padidar NLD 2015 / 19 min
Who am I really behind my smile? And who do the others see when they see me? What’s ‘normal’ anyway? Ninnoc describes her fears and the conflicts that she has to endure at school due to her supposed differences.
Beneath the Spaceship
Caroline Ingvarsson SWE 2015 / 15 min
This deeply insightful drama traces the events of one sweltering Swedish summer, when the bond between an adolescent girl and her older neighbour frays, as their relationship comes under the scrutiny of those who can’t understand what they share.
Variable Geometry
Marie-Brune de Chassey BEL 2015 / 4 min
Children and animals are changing states to illustrate the way one can sense its own body under the eyes of others and through one’s own gaze.
The Boy in the Ocean
Friedrich Tiedtke DNK 2016 / 15 min
The 12-year-old German boy, Mathias, discovers his sexuality on a sailing boat in Denmark. Surrounded by water, trapped on the boat with his parents (who still treat him like a child), he desires to get on land to have new experiences. His desire grows when a Danish girl in the harbor fascinates him.
Thoughts About Love
Jani Ilomaki FIN 2016 / 13 min
A teenage boy wonders what love is.
The Boyg
Kristian Pedersen NOR 2016 / 6 min
The Boyg is the voice within that whispers go around, preventing you from facing yourself, suffocating progress and initiative.
Out of the Blue
Mathias Broe DNK 2016 / 13 min
Mads is forced to walk home because his big brother Anders is running late. Anders arrives. On the drive home Mads is confronted with the questionable path Anders is heading down.