Welcome to The Nordic House. We accept group visits by request. Visits by schools and kindergartens are free of charge.
More information available from The Nordic House Mediator of Arts and Culture: Hrafnhildur Gissurardóttir / hrafnhildur@nordichouse.is / 551 7061.

Brochure about Children and Youth Programs
Spring-Summer 2023

Pedagogical activites for children and a gathering place for families at the Nordic house
The Nordic house emphasizes quality mediation for young people, children and families. Cross disciplinary creative events, workshops and guided tours – that are based on the diverse program and exhibitions at the Nordic house- are tailored for our younger guests.
Special programs for school groups of different ages, are carried out all year around and creative education around the topic of the Nordic – and Baltic countries art & culture. The Nordic house educational program follows the curriculum of education and is in context with the diverse program and exhibitions of the Nordic house.
The educational program of the Nordic house follows the Nordic Council of Ministers’ political priorities that aim to ensure that people of all ages have access to the highest quality education.

The Children’s Library
Kindergartens, primary schools and other groups can book visits to the Nordic House and the library. The library is well equipped with cards and toys, cushions and dolls, books and a cool exhibition that includes fun adventures.

The Nordic Book Absorber
Book talk with children about Nordic picture books The Nordic Book Absorber provides access to free learning and support material about picture books from the Nordic countries in all Nordic languages. The material can be found on the website bokslukaren.org and is free for everyone to use. The website contains triggers for diverse and meaningful conversations with different themes for guardians, parents and teachers. Here you can see books that are available at the City Library, but you can also get the books in Nordic languages at the Norræna húss library in Reykjavík.
In 2023, an exhibition will open at the children’s library of Norræna hús with the books of Norræna bokágleypis, and guides and education will be offered in connection with the exhibition.
The educational website Nordic Book Absorber is the result of a Nordic collaboration between the City Library, the Nordic House in Finland, the Nordic House in the Faroe Islands, the Nordic Institute in Greenland and the Nordic Institute in the Åland Islands.
For further information contact:
Hrafnhildur Gissurardóttir, Mediator of Arts and Culture: hrafnhildur@nordichouse.is
and Guðrún Elísa Ragnarsdóttir, specialist at the Borgarbókasafn gudrun.elisa.ragnarsdottir@reykjavik.is

The Nordic House’s Friend School
The project The Nordic House’s Friend School is a long term joint project with Hólabrekkuskóli, emphasizing students in the 6th grade.
The project starts with a visit to The Nordic House where students learn about the house’s work, the Nordic countries, along with high points in Nordic culture with special focus on the arts, music and literature. The project consists of a comprehensive education where the students have an opportunity to work as a group, every group picking their focus, giving students a chance to learn related to their interests under the guidance of a curator instructor.
The Nordic House follows the policy of the Nordic Council of Ministers in conducting international work with emphasis on children’s rights and the vision of young people, along with aiming to make the Nordic countries one of the most sustainable and intergrated area in the world.