Books build bridges between people and places, both real and imagined ones. The Children’s Book Flood opened in the Nordic House in Reykjavík on the 50th anniversary of the building in 2018. The writer and illustrator Kristín Ragna Gunnarsdóttir was the exhibition’s author and curator. Children were invited to participate in an adventurous journey through the worlds of children’s literature and the exhibition was very well received. Workshops were held within the exhibition by the Nordic House as well as List fyrir alla and many children in the Westfjords of Iceland got to participate in them when the Children’s Book Flood visited their schools.
After that The Children’s Book Flood travelled to the Baltic countries and the exhibition opened under the name The Book Flood – North Meets Baltics in Children’s Books in the National Library of Riga in Latvia in September 2020. That exhibition has now been nominated for a prestigious design prize in Latvia – The results will be announced on the 28th of May 2021. Books.