Come Join virtual language cafes! – Nordic Day 2025
Hei/Hej/Hæ/Hey/Aluu/Bures and Hello
Var med och för samman Norden på Nordens dag söndagen den 23 mars 2025! I år firar vi med virtuella språkcaféer på 8 forskelliga språk! – Ett roligt och avslappnat sätt att öva språket med andra nordbor online.
Join us in bringing the north together on the nordic day sunday the 23 of march 2025! This year we celebrate with virtual online cafes in 8 different languages – a fun and relaxed way to practice language with other northeners online.
What gonna happen?
During the language cafe you will be place in a small groups with a host capable of keeping the conversation going. There is no need for fluent language capabilities, come as you are! Not matter if you are on a begginers level or intermediate then is your chance to speak, learn more about another culture and meet interesting people from all over the north! You can also share your experiences with the given country and language you have chosen or even something you wish to experience in the future!
The language cafes are free, on hour long and are scheduled as shown underneath
First language cafe: 14:00–15:00 (EET)
Secon language cafe: 15:15–16:15 (EET)
Here you will find unique links to each language
Finnish – www.articulatte.live/service-page/nordic-day-2025-suomi
Swedish– www.articulatte.live/service-page/nordic-day-2025-svenska
Norwegian – www.articulatte.live/service-page/nordic-day-2025-norsk
Danish – www.articulatte.live/service-page/nordic-day-2025-dansk
Icelandic – www.articulatte.live/service-page/nordic-day-2025-islenska
Notherns samic– www.articulatte.live/service-page/nordic-day-2025-davvisamegiella
Faroese – www.articulatte.live/service-page/nordic-day-2025-foroyskt
Greenlandic – www.articulatte.live/service-page/nordic-day-2025-kalaallisut
NB: When you register you should receive and email with a Zoom-link to the language cafe of your choice
Kind Regards
Articulatte Language Cafés