Volt- nýr menningar- og tungumálastyrkur fyrir börn og ungmenni
Nordisk kulturkontakt er að fara af stað með nýja norrænan styrkj sem hefur það markmið að markaðssetja menningu og listir frá börnum og ungmennum. Styrkurinn heitir Volt og er umsóknarfresturinn frá 4. maí til 8. júní.
Frekari upplýsingar hér fyrir neðan á ensku:
The Nordic Council of Ministers have allocated approx. 248 000 €/year to the programme. Children and young people are a priority within the Nordic cultural cooperation. The Nordic Council of Ministers’ vision is that the Nordic Region will be the best place in the world for children and young people, one example being strengthening young people’s rights and participation in society. Volt also places great importance on the kids own creativity and participation in the projects.
Basic demands when applying Volt
Anybody within the fields of culture or education may apply. The criteria specify thatthe project revolves around children and young people aged zero – 25.
the project’s focus is on increasing language understanding, culture and creativity
the applicant recides in the Nordic Region
the cooperation is made up of at least three countries in the Nordic Region
the project will be conducted in one or several countries in the Nordic Region
The assessment is furthermore based on how much the project furthers Nordic meetings and cooperation through culture and language understanding in the Nordic region. Great importance is placed on the creativity, participation and co-determination of young people in the project and how the project has been anchored among them. You may apply between 10 000 – 70 000 €. There has to be a minimum of 30% co-financing.
More information on the criteria for Volt can be found on the Nordic Culture Point’s website:
English: https://www.nordiskkulturkontakt.org/en/grants/volt
Skandinaviska: https://www.nordiskkulturkontakt.org/sv/grants/volt
Suomi: https://www.nordiskkulturkontakt.org/fi/grants/volt
Contacts for more information: Turið Johannessen, programadvisor
+358 10583 1023
Ola Kellgren, director, Nordic Culture Point ola.kellgren@nordiskkulturkontakt.org +358 10 583 1001