Dýrafundir – Fjölskylduvinnustofa
Hefur þú einhvertíman hitt dýr og hefur aldrei getað gleymt því síðan? Eða hefur þú heyrt ótrúlega sögu um dýr?
Í vinnustofunni fá gestir tækifæri til þess að deila sögum um dýr og sögum af samskiptum þeirra við dýr með því að teikna teiknimyndasögur með aðstoð atvinnufólks í teiknimyndasögugerð frá Finnlandi. Mögulegt verður að gera stutta teiknimyndasögu eða byrja á lengri teiknimyndasögu sem hægt er að ljúka við heima.
Kennararnir eru Hannariina Moisseinen og Tehri Ekebom, en þau eru bæði listafólk frá Finnlandi sem fást við teiknimyndasögugerð og þau eru þar að auki meðlimir í listahópnum Kutikuti collective. Verk þeirra er hægt að sjá í nýrri sýningu á göngum bókasafns Norræna hússins. Tungumál vinnustofuna verða finnska, sænska og enska.
Aðgangur að vinnustofunni er fyrir og öll eru velkomin!
Terhi Ekebom (b. 1971) is an Helsinki-based artist, graphic designer and illustrator. She has studied at the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture and the Metropolia (EVTEK) Institute of Art and Design. As an artist, Ekebom is an open-minded experimenter who is at home in the field of illustration, wall painting, public art and installations. Ekebom published her debut comic book A Cow’s Dream, in 2001, and since that she has published various comic books, and participated in international anthologies. The Finnish Comics Society awarded her the Puupäähattu prize in 2014. She is also interested in creating wall paintings and public art. She was the guest artist at the Rural Urban Art Street Art Festival in Estonia 2019. She has made public art for example for Helsinki University Main Library, Korkeakoski comprehensive school, -Kerava Art Museum collaboration. The next public art piece will be revealed in Vaasa 2022.
The graphic novel artist Hanneriina Moisseinen (born in Joensuu, Finland in 1978) has got an artistic background in fine arts. Her artworks have been shown in exhibitions in art galleries and museums in about twenty countries. So far she has published four graphic novel albums that have been translated to several languages, directed two animation films and worked on other projects in the field of visual arts. She has won several prizes for her work, including the Puupäähattu prize from the Finnish Comics Society 2021, Prix Artémisia “Mémoire” 2019, Akseli Gallen-Kallela art prize 2018, William Thuring art prize 2017, Beautiful book prize and State Prize for Comic Art in 2016.