Conversation on the International
17:00 -19:00
Conversation on the International / Samtal um þetta alþjóðlega
Opið samtal fyrir listamenn og framleiðendur í sviðslistum- 29. ágúst kl 5 -7
SAMTALIÐ UM ÞETTA ALÞJÓÐLEGA verður á ensku, er opið öllum og er ókeypis
Fjórði norrænni dansvettvangurinn Ice Hot Nordic Dance Platform, nálgast. Hann verður í Kaupmannahöfn 30. Nóvember – 4 desember 2016.
Til undirbúnings halda samstarfsaðilar að baki Ice Hot opna fundi um alþjóðlegt starf í öllum norrænu höfuðborgunum fimm. Fyrsti fundurinn verður hér í Reykjavík.
Hvað eru listamenn, hópar, félög og stofnaðir að gera í dag og hvaða skref er hægt að stíga, fyrir þá sem hafa áhuga? Þetta og fleira verður til umfjöllunar á fundi okkar mánudaginn 29. ágúst – haldinn í tengslum við Everybody ´s Spectacular hátíðina á vegum Lókal og Reykjavik dance festival
• Lene Bang Henningsen, skapandi pródúsent og alþjóðlegur framkvæmdastjóri: „ Að vinna alþjóðlega með listamönnum“
• Bush Hartshorn, listrænn stjórnandi og markþjálfari: „Hvernig gætu kompaní og listamenn hugsað og starfað til að ná árangri alþjóðlega“
• Kirre Arneberg, framkvæmdastjóri: „Hlutverk pródúsentsins – Hlutverk listamannsins“
Gestgjafar og umræðustjórar:
• Gunn Hernes, verkefnisstjóri, Norræna húsinu
• Ása Richardsdóttir, Ice Hot stjórnarkona og skapandi pródúsent
Viðburðurinn er haldinn í samstarfi Ice Hot, Everybody ´s spectacular hátíðarinnar, Norræna hússins í Reykjavík og Sviðslistasamband Íslands.
Lene Bang (DK) is an independent producer with experience in coordinating international cultural projects in close collaboration with performing art companies, organizations and individual artists. Currently she works with the internationally acclaimed choreographer Ina Christel Johannessen and her company zero visibility corp. and Stian Danielsen, an emerging choreographer. Lene consults artists and producers, is the initiator of the Mentor Room at IETM and has led and coordinated various international projects, including the IETM plenary meeting in Copenhagen in 2012.
Bush Hartshorn (UK) is head of Catalyst at Dance Base in Edinburgh. Catalyst is a department of Dance Base that is responsible for production, management and other support services for Scottish based artists Bush is also Dance Director of Teatro Sardegna, Cagliari responsible for programming dance into the 3 theatre spaces and other venues in the city. He is also responsible for training and other developmental activities relating to Dance on the island. Bush is a certified „Relational Dynamics coach“ and has coached various artists and companies throughout Europe.
Kirre Arneberg (NO) Since 2006 Kirre has been the producer and managing director of Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt in addition to collaborating with various other Norwegian choreographers. Kirre is a lecturer in Arts- and project management at several institutions in Norway and is now starting to work with a national touring network structure at Dansens Hus in addition to founding her own managing organization.Since the opening of Dansens Hus Norway in 2008 she worked with a variety of projects, including being the project manager for ICE HOT Nordic Dance Platform 2014 in Oslo.
Gunn Hernes (NO/IS) is a project manager at the Nordic House in Reykjavik. Moreover, she is a guest speaker and training manager for workshops in the music and performing arts field in various topics. Prior to moving to Iceland she lived in Bergen. As an independent producer she worked closely and toured internationally with various companies, including winter guests/Alan Lucien Øyen, zero visibility corp/Ina Christel Johannessen, MaisonDahlBonnema/Hans Petter Dahl and more. She also worked with outdoor festivals and concerts.
Ása Richardsdóttir (IS) works as a creative producer and initiator of large scale Nordic, European and International projects. . Ása is active in politics and is currently a city councillor in Kópavogur. She is project ambassador for the Nordic Culture Fund, founding member of keðja and Ice Hot partner. Previously she was president of Performing Art Iceland, executive director of Iceland Dance Company, founding director of the Coffee theatre and coordinator of IETM Reykjavík in 2000.