Youth – The future in the labour market
Nordjobb, in collaboration with the Nordic Association and the Nordic House in Iceland, will host a seminar as part of Fundur fólksins, 3 September at 13.15 – 14.45 in Gróska, where we will discuss youth employment issues. A diverse assembly of interest groups will join the seminar to discuss youth and student employment issues and the Nordic labour market. The event will also be streamed live via Facebook.
Participating speakers will be:
- Ásmundur Einar Daðason, Minister of Social affairs and Children, will open the seminar
- Morten Fabricius Meyer, program director Nordisk Jobløsning at FNF
- Sigmar Vilhjálmsson, entrepreneur
- Jónína Ólafsdóttir, chairman of Félag náms- og starfsráðgjafa
- Gundega Jaunlinina, Alþýðusamband Íslands
- Derek T. Allen, president of LÍS Landssamtök íslenskra stúdenta
- Árni Grétar Finnsson, Samtök atvinnulífsins
- Hannes Björn Hafsteinsson, Nordjobb
Youth employment issues will be discussed from various perspectives in this seminar. Nordjobb is a Nordic labour market project that was founded in 1985. The purpose of Nordjobb is to increase youth mobility on the Nordic labour market by providing youths aged 18-30 years with job opportunities, information, knowledge and guidance.
The event is a part of the democracy festival Fundur fólksins, which is held in Reykjavik 3. and 4. September.