Environmental Festival at The Nordic House
Together against waste!
Get inspiration for a greener home at the Nordic House on 7th-8th April!
On 7th-8th April, he Nordic House will host a family-friendly festival, where guests can get good ideas, inspiration and advice for a greener everyday. We combine education and entertainment by organizing family-friendly events, talks, movie screenings, workshops, and presentations of local companies, as well as by hosting a mini eco-market. During the festival, there will be a unique opportunity to hear the renowned Danish activist Selina Juul talk about food waste and sustainability at The Nordic House and on Livestream (in English). Entrance is free of charge. Explore the programme and events in English below.
Preliminary program:
Activities for children and families
- Landvernd Environmental School (Icelandic Environment Association), Sunday at 13.00-14.00 and 14.00-15.00. Language: Icelandic
- Visit to Grandmother Nature in the Greenhouse. Planting and good tips for children’s own garden. Saturday and Sunday at 13.00-16.00. Language: Icelandic
- Textile Workshop “Make Your Own Creature”. Fun creative workshop for children and accompanying adults where materials from Icelandic textile and clothing companies will be used. Register here or at the house if there are places available. Saturday at 14.00-16.00. The main language is Icelandic, but the workshop is open to everyone.
- Spring Cleaning at Vatnsmýrin. Fuglavernd (BirdLife Iceland) invites guests to contribute to a good cause of cleaning the bird oasis of Vatnsmýrin while having fun outside in the fresh air. Saturday at 13.00-17.00. Everybody is welcome.
Other events
- How do we reduce food waste? / Talk: Selina Juul from Stop Food Waste (Stop Spild af Mad) and Klaus B. Pedersen from Too Good To Go, both winners of the Nordic Council Environment Prize, will hold talks on Saturday at 16.00-17.00. Mingling and food tasting after the event. Language: English
- Súrkál fyrir sælkera (Sauerkraut as Gourmet Food): Dagný Hermannsdóttir introduces guests to the new and the old ways to ferment vegetables. Sunday at 13.00-14.00. Language: Icelandic
- Crash Course in Compost: Garðyrkjufélag Íslands (Horticultural Society of Iceland) teaches how to make compost and how it can be used in both the kitchen and the garden. Sunday at 14.00-15.00. Language: Icelandic
- All-Icelandic Pizza: food talk and tasting. Sveinn Kjartansson, TV personality known for cooking shows and the restaurant Aalto Bistro, and Eveline Bünter from Flatbökusamsteypan (The Pizza Collective) discuss why pizza is a perfectly versatile dish where almost any product can be used. Rakel Garðarsdóttir serves Toast Ale – Icelandic beer made of leftover bread. Sunday at 15.00-17.00. Language: English and Icelandic
Movie screenings
- Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story. An award-winning documentary on food waste. Friday (6th of April) and Sunday (8th of April) at 18.00. Language: English. More about the movie: http://www.foodwastemovie.com
- Flatbökusamsteypan (The Pizza Collective). Short documentary about the amazing Icelandic food project Flatbökusamsteypan. Screened non-stop on Saturday and Sunday, 13.00-17.00. Language: English
Informational booths and pop-up retail stands
- Arctic Barley
- Fuglavernd
- Gardyrkjufélag Íslands (Horticultural Society of Iceland)
- Graenviska.is
- Í boði náttúrunnar
- Klaran.is
- Landvernd (Icelandic Environment Association)
- Ljótu kartöflurnar (Ugly Potatoes)
- Matis
- mena.is
- Mistur.is
- Sorpa
- Súrkál fyrir sælkera
- Ugly
- Umhverfisstofnun (The Environment Agency in Iceland)
Food Design: Exhibition by design students from Iceland Academy of the Arts
Exhibition focusing on food, food-related experiences, food design, conscious use of food products and innovation. Original, beautiful, and thought-provoking exhibition by young and promising product designers.
Sewing Workshop: Make Your Own Shopping Tote
Kvenfélagasamband Íslands (Women’s Association of Iceland) opens a sewing basis at the Nordic House. Bring any leftover fabrics, tablecloths or curtains that deserve a new life and make your own shopping or vegetable bag. If you can’t bring your own fabric or don’t want to use the handmade bag yourself, worry not – sharing is caring!
For more information contact: Kristini@nordichouse.is
Photo: Flatbökusamsteypan