The Nordic bookworm and panel on Nature and climate changes
The Nordic bookworm // 10:45-11:15
The Nordic bookworm (Den nordiska bokslukaren) is a new project to promote reading that provides inroads into the world of Nordic children’s literature. By producing educational support material for current Nordic picture books, the project puts children into contact with the treasure trove that is Nordic literature, with the help of adult readers. Mikaela Wickström from Nordic Culture Point in Finland.
Nature and climate changes // 11:15-12:15
How do you write for children about climate change? How can children’s literature help us foster deeper relations between us and the environment? Are some literary forms better suited for mediating the challenge of climate change and hope for a better future? Climate change threatens ecosystems and human societies and young readers will feel its effects intimately in their lifetime. This panel opens up a discussion between authors of children’s literature and scholars about their approaches and challenges in mediating the reality of climate change to their readers. Participants are Eva Rún Þorgeirsdóttir (IS), Guðni Elísson (IS), Hildur Knútsdóttir (IS), Kristin Roskifte (NO) and Sævar Helgi Bragason (IS). Sólveig Ásta Sigurðardóttir is moderator.