Watercolour Connections
Watercolour Connections
This international exhibition of watercolours is the result of a cooperation between the Nordic Watercolour Society and the Royal Watercolour Society of Wales. A total of 72 artists are exhibiting 95 watercolour paintings of an impressive standard.
The many national and regional watercolour societies around the world bear witness to the passion for this medium held by the artists who work with watercolour. Other art forms and media do not have their own societies in quite the same way, but watercolour artists tend to feel a strong sense of understanding and mutual interest regardless of personal or cultural differences.
Exhibitions consisting solely of watercolour paintings are not often held in Iceland and so this is an opportunity for the visitor to enjoy a wide variety of styles and genre in this exciting medium.
Entrance is free of charge.
Please note: The exhibition period has been extended until 21 January 2018