Sunday Story Hour – Finnish

Children's Library
Free entry


The whole family is welcome to a Finnish Sunday Story Hour in the Children’s Library at the Nordic house.

Inari Ahokas will be reading the Finnish book  Aino tahtoo mukaan, by Kristiina Louhi. This is a book about a little girl Aino who does not want her mum to go out without her, she wants her mother to stay at home and play games with her. The topics in the book open on discussions around being patient and happy for others.

After the reading families are invited to do under the sea crafts. Visitors can cut out different shapes from colorful paper to create different animals living in the sea.

Inari Ahokas is an exchange student in Reykjavik University, currently completing a semester abroad for her master’s degree in economics. She is originally from a small town of Loimaa, but has lived nearly a decade in Kuopio. In Finland she is a student in Tampere University. She started her career by working in a kindergarten and she has always been an avid spokesperson for reading books. One of her favorite activities in daycare, on rainy afternoons, was to sit with the children and read books with them. Or come up with stories of their own!  “I love stories in all forms, and thus I’m always either reading a book, listening to music or podcasts, or watching a movie.

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