Stirni Ensemble (IS) – Dark Music Days


Stirni Ensemble (IS)

Þvers og kruss

The Nordic House

16:00 / 4 pm

2000 kr.



Stirni Ensemble has put together a program of young composers from across the globe. Members of Stirni Ensemble all studied music in the Netherlands at a certain point and wanted to bring to the festival a program of compositions of the composers that they have worked with over there and at the same time have the opportunity to premiere works by Icelandic composers.



Stirni Ensemble

Björk Níelsdóttir, sópran / soprano

Grímur Helgason, klarínett / clarinet

Hafdís Vigfúsdóttir, flauta / flute

Svanur Vilbergsson, gítar / guitar




Kaja Draksler – Mir(o) (2017) 5’

frumflutningur / premiere


Sigrún Jónsdóttir – Uppstreymi (2017) 10’

frumflutningur / premiere


Martial Nardeau – Veturinn (2017) 7 ’

frumflutningur / premiere


Bergrún Snæbjörnsdóttir- BAE (before anyone else) (2017) 10’

frumflutningur / premiere


Rodrigo Tascon- / inˈkərZHən / (2017) 10’

frumflutningur / premiere


Mateu Malondra Flaquer – Café noir at Grave’s  (2007, breytt 2017 / 2007, altered 2017) 6’


Stirni Ensemble is a group of Icelandic musicians with a strong connection to The Netherlands. The quartet focuses on new music and has many new pieces commisoned for them. All members are active in the music & art scene in Iceland in different context.