Safarium – ASSITEJ Iceland festival
SAFARIUM: ASSITEJ Iceland festival
The performances is only for students at Klettaskoli, lectures afterwards at 4pm is open for public. If you are interested in ticket to the performances you can contact Gunn Hernes at the Nordic House.
In this talk Landing (the producer for the performance Safarium) will share thoughts and experiences from the process of making Safarium – a dance performance for children with special needs. We invite the audience to think with us by posing questions like how this target group best could experience dance as an art form, or what implications different ways of inclusion and interaction have for their aesthetic experience. We also invite the audience to try some basic elements from Safariums movement material.
Free entrance to the lectures afterwards at 4pm – open for public
More about UNGI: http://www.assitej.is/#!english/c1xlo
ASSITEJ Iceland has an annual international TYA festival running since spring 2013. The festival is held in conjunction with the Reykjavík Children’s Culture Festival.