Riff – VOD & TV SERIES: New Models & Trends. Panel
17:00 - 18:30
TV series productions had increased internationally over the last few years as an effective response to the uprising of VOD platforms.
Iceland has produced 10 TV series over the curse of 2020.
What are the main changes that the Icelandic film industry had to overcome to adjust its strategy to match this new trend format? How has the chain value of film and TV productions been impacted?
How does the audience consumption habits had change?
Are releases strategies now tailored to the individual needs of this format?
With many planned releases scheduled for 2020 shaken up following the outbreak of the coronavirus and the subsequent upending of the film industry, is VOD an efficient solution to this matter or are we on the brink of war-to war between distributors and cinema exhibitors?
Speakers: Palmi Gudmmunsson. Head of Media. SIMMIN.
Thora Bjorg Claussen. Head of Content and Operations – New Media at Sýn
Hordur Runnarsson. CEO Glasriver.
Ana Vígdis Gisladóttir. Producer. Sagafilm.
Moderators: Ásgrímur Sverrison. Chief editor at Klaptré.