RIFF: Icelandic and Estonian cooperation
In relation to Reykjavik International Film Festival, The Nordic House is co-hosting relevant seminars and master classes.
This year there will be a special focus on the Baltic Countries, as they celebrate their 100 years of independence, similar to Iceland.
Recently two Icelandic films, The Swan and Mihkel, have been co-produced with Estonia. The producers and filmmakers discuss how the cooperation came to be.
Speakers: Ása Helga Hjörleifsdóttir, Birgitta Björnsdóttir, Hlín Jóhannesdóttir, Ari Alexander Ergis Magnússon, Kristinn Þórðarson, Evelin Penttilä.
After the case studies, there will be a get-together of Icelandic and Estonian Filmmakers at 14.30-16.00.