Free entry
PIKKNIKK: The Nordic House summer concert series continue! Next up is Stijn Brinkman Sunday 16th July at 3pm. Free entry as always and bring your friends!
Based on Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir´s novel The Greenhouse (Icelandic title: Afleggjarinn, 2007) and IPCC’s Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, performing artist Stijn Brinkman gives a performance about love for the world around us. He explores through music, dance and mirrors how the greenhouse can both cultivate and obstruct this love.
Saxophone player Moritz Christiansen will be joining Brinkman in this special performance.
Stijn Brinkman (The Netherlands) has a broad study orientation, a big commitment to make environmentalist art and a long tradition in doing social-work musical projects. As performing artist and violonist, he developed several projects to question our relationship with our surroundings by extending his performance art with interdisciplinary, site-specific approaches. He has played in hospitals, refugee centers, prisons and other social institutions in The Netherlands and lives since August 2022 in Reykjavík.
Pikknikk tónleikasería ársins er skipulögð af José Luis Anderson.
Refreshments can be bought from SÓNÓ restaurant to enjoy outside.