Open House: welcome to the opening of HEAD2HEAD Reykjavík

Free entry

Welcome to the opening of HEAD2HEAD Reykjavík hosted by Open House


Chrysanthi Koumianaki

Fanis Kafantaris

Hlökk Þrastardóttir

Helgi Valdimarsson

Eiríkur Páll Sveinsson

Open is both a studio and an artist-run exhibition space managed by Arnar Ásgeirsson, Hildigunnur Birgisdóttir, Una Margrét Árnadóttir and Örn Alexander Ámundasson. We have five solo exhibitions and about five events a year. The Open artists give their time and work for free and all grants we receive are used in full for exhibitions and events that take place at Open. The Open program is varied and is free and open to everyone.

Access to Hvelfing is good. An elevator goes down from the main floor, but you can also go down stairs from the outside. Accessible restrooms are on the main floor.