The Book Circle, autumn 2020
Are you curious about Nordic literature, but don’t know where to start?
This autumn The Nordic House will continue with the event “The Nordic Book Circle” in the most beautiful Library in Reykjavík. The Book Circle will meet four times this season, with Sunna Dís Másdóttir as the host. Sunna Dís is a literary critic and a member of the Icelandic selection committee for the Nordic Council’s Literature Award.

In august we read the book: Ett system så magnifikt att det bländar by Amanda Svensson, which received the “Per Olav Enqvists Pris” and Svenska Dagblades Litterature Award in 2019. The Novel is about family relations in a world that has become more torn, and focuses on the triplets Sebastian, Clara and Matilda.
In september we will read HHV, FRSHWN – Dødsknaldet i Amazonas by danish author Hanne Højgaard Viemose. This book is currently nominated for the Nordic Council’s Literature Award 2020. There is a stop-and-go tempo in Hanne’s writing style and vocabulary, which is breathtaking. So hold on while you let yourself get carried along. Hanne Viemose is current in the “Meet the Author series” at the Nordic House. You will be able to see her in conversation with Kristín Eriksdóttir the 7th of October at 19:30 (see: https://nordichouse.is/en/event/hofundakvold-med-hanne-hojgaard-viemose-og-kristinu-eiriksdottur/ )
In November we read the poetry collection Yayha Hassan 2. This title is also nominated for the Nordic Council’s Literature award 2020. The author Yahya Hassan was from Denmark and was a unique voice in Nordic contemporary poetry. The poems are autobiographical like in his first poetry collection. And they are just as merciless towards the reader, as they are towards the “He” whom writes and speaks from the book.
In December we will choose a title together. Potentially the exciting works of Kjetil Nordengen, Per Petterson and Tore Renbjerg.
We read in Scandinavian and converse in “Blandinavian”. The conversation takes place at the Library. The Nordic House offers the and coffee.
Participation is free, but there are limited seats available. Therefor registration is required. Send an email to biblioteket@nordichouse.is if you wish to partake. You will be signed up for all four events.
All the books are available at the Nordic House library, and can be reserved with a library card. All participants get a free library card.
- August, kl. 19-21 – Amanda Svensson – Ett system så magnifikt att det bländar.
- September, kl. 19-21 – Hanna Højgaard Viemose – HHV, FRSHWN
- November, 19-21 – Yahya Hassan – Yahya Hassan 2
- December, kl. 19-21 – To be decided