Image of a child playing a small guitar or a ukulele

Music Moment for Babies & Toddlers

Children's Library
Free entry

Music Moment for Babies and Toddlers is a 30-40 minute activity aimed for children ages 0 to 6 years old. Inspired by Edwin Gordon’s Music Learning Theory, this project is conceived as a series of participatory concerts for children and their parents. The event takes place without words, so it is open to audiences of any linguistic background. Natalia uses gestural cues and sings with neutral syllables so the center of attention is on making music together.

0-3 years old: 10:30-11:00 & 11:20-11:50

3-6 years old: 16:00-16:30

The events are tailored for three separate groups: Two for ages 0-3 and another for ages 3-6. The space is limited, so it is advised to reserve in advance: 

Natalia Duarte Jeremías

The methodology of this project is a pedagogic approach that guides children into developing audiation, which is the comprehension of music and the basic foundation of musicianship. This is obtained in early stages through listening, movement and singing. One particularity of this method is the lack of use of language: when singing neutral syllables are used, similar to baby babble. In this way spoken language is taken out of the equation and the full attention of the child goes into the musical sounds and how they relate to each other, fomenting comprehension of musical meaning and syntax. The pieces of each event are carefully selected to meet the needs of variety and complexity that best fits the children’s learning process.

More information about Natalia:

Each session begins with Natalia briefly explaining what will take place and what is expected of the parents (in English). After the activity, Natalia invites parents to an open conversation and answers questions. The conversation can take place in English, Spanish or Italian.

The event is supported by the Children’s Fund of Iceland.

ACCESSIBILITY: The Children’s Library is accessible for wheelchairs through the exhibition hall Hvelfing. Library staff can give guidance. Restrooms are wheelchair accessible and gender-neutral.