Meet the Author: Kristina Sandberg
Meet the Author with Kristina Sandberg in the Nordic House January 12th 7:30pm
Kristina Sandberg (1971) is a swedish author. She has written six books in total, but it is her trilogy about Maj, a very ordinary mid-20th century Swedish housewife, that has been her big literary breakthrough. However, it was not until the third in the series, Liv till varje pris (“Life at any cost”), that the books gained the attention many thought they deserved. Maybe because a series of thick books describing a woman’s life and household duties in such a detailed and intimate way did not really suit modern day readers?
From late 2015 the Nordic House has organized a monthly “Meet the Author” evenings with exciting Nordic authors. In January the Swedish author Kristina Sandberg will be our guest.
She’s most famous for her trilogy about Maj, the stay-at-home mom. The trilogy has gained attention and very good reviews and the final book („Life at any cost“) won the prestigious August Prize in 2014.
Tinna Ásgeirsdóttir will be the moderator of the evening and the discussions will mostly be done in Swedish.
Free entry! Welcome!
Meet the Author Nordic House series 2015-16
September 1st – Jens Andersen (DK)
October 6th – Einar Már Guðmundsson
November 3rd – Camilla Plum (DK)
December 1st – Rawdna Carita Eira (NO/samisk)
January 12th – Kristina Sandberg (SE)
February 2nd – Gaute Heivoll (NO)
March 1st – Åsne Seierstad (NO)
April 5th – Susanna Alakoski (SE/FI)
May 3rd – Mari Jungstedt & Ruben Eliassen (SE/NO)