Symposium: Self Image – World Image LIVESTREAM
08:30 - 15.50
Self Image – World Image
Symposium: Lectures and discussions on the diverse self-images and
world-images in children’s literature.
08.30–09.00 Registration and coffee
09.00–09.10 Welcome: Eliza Jean Reid First Lady of Iceland and founder of Iceland Writers Retreat.
09.10–09.20 The Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize: Sigurður Ólafsson, director of the Office for the Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize discusses the prize and its purpose.
09.20–10.35 Myths and Fantasy: A seminar on Nordic myths, fantasy and future in YA-literature. How do Nordic myths influence self-image and world-image in Nordic literature for young people? Bjarndís Helga Tómasdóttir MA-student in Icelandic literature, Anna Heiða Pálsdóttir PhD in children’s literature and authors Gunnar Theódór Eggertsson (Iceland), Martin Widmark (Sweden) and Ragnhildur Hólmgeirsdóttir (Iceland) give short lectures and take part in discussion.
Moderator: Olga Holownia.
10.35–10.50 Kaffihlé
10.50–11.50 Mad World?: For few is self-image more important than for the young adult, entering a world that may seem mad. Authors invite us to the World of the Youth and their books full of crimes, excitement, realism and romanticism. Hildur Knútsdóttir, Salla Simukka and Kenneth Bøgh Andersen give short lectures and take part in discussion.
Moderator: Halla Þórlaug Óskarsdóttir.
11.50–12.30 Lunch break
12.30–13.00 NORD: Playful Reading: Writer Camilla Hübbe and professor Susana Tosca, who specializes in digital aesthetics, introduce NORD – an interactive app-novel that develops a new Nordic visual identity. The story combines a collective Nordic heritage and mythology with a twist of climate changes and the danger the world faces.
13.00–13.50 Maps and Geography: Maps, landscapes, seascapes, imaginary places and real-life monsters. What can we learn from studying maps in children’s books? How do we explore imaginary space? Do topography and literature talk to each other? Nina Goga (Bergen University College), Björn Sundmark (Malmö University), Olga Holownia (University of Iceland) and Lára Aðalsteinsdóttir (Reykjavík UNESCO City of Literature), will look at how the Nordic nature and landscapes have been visualized and depicted in children’s books and also how maps can help with language comprehension and appreciation of literature.
13.50–14.40 The Literary Playground: Playfulness and reading – Development and innovation in interactive literature. Discussions on interactive children’s literature and reading experience. Participants: Susana Tosca, Nina Goga, Olga Holownia and Björn Sundmark.
Moderator: Ævar Þór Benediktsson.
14.40–15.00 Coffee break
15.00–15.50 Differently Normal: Who is normal and who is different? A seminar on self-image, outsiders and minorities in books for children. Are characters in children’s books getting more diverse? Lawrence Schimel, Kenneth Bøgh Andersen and Kätlin Kaldmaa give short lectures and take part in discussion.
Moderator: Bryndís Björgvinsdóttir.
Registration has concluded, the Symposium will be live streamed.