The tour “Misuse of facts” Seminar
The tour “Misuse of facts” Seminar in The Nordic House on March 8th at 9:30 – 12:00.
In which way does the media portray alcohol and drug use? How can researchers and journalists become better at communicating with each other around substance abuse issues? What sources can be trusted?
The seminar will be in Icelandic and is free of charge.
The seminar, which is part of the Nordic Welfare Center’s Nordic tour “Abuse of facts? Alcohol and drugs in the media”, now make their Icelandic tour stop in Reykjavik. Together with some of Iceland’s leading experts, we highlight the good and bad examples of reporting on the issue.
For more info:
Jessica Gustafsson
phone nr +358 40 060 5752
e-mail: jessica.gustafsson@nordicwelfare.org