In Search of the Causes of Evolution: Darwin’s finches in Galápagos
13:00 - 15:00
In Search of the Causes of Evolution: Darwin’s finches in Galápagos
Seminar Nordic House May 22, 13–15
A major challenge for evolutionary biologists is to explain the extraordinary species richness and diversity of organisms. We will discuss progress in our understanding of the key evolutionary process, speciation, with special reference to the radiation of Darwin’s Finches. We draw upon the results of a long-term field study of finch populations spanning four decades, combined with laboratory investigations of the molecular genetic basis of beak development.
Einar Árnason, prófessor í þróunarfræði og stofnerfðafræði: einararn@hi.is
Katrín Halldórsdóttir þróunar- og stofnerfðafræðingur: katrih@hi.is