Introduction evening about founding the first cohousing community in Iceland


Introduction evening in the Nordic house Reykjavík about founding the first cohousing community in Iceland, thursday 4th March at 20:30.


Kjarnasamfélag Reykjavíkur is working on a pilot project for a sustainable cohousing community in Iceland. Co-housing is defined as “an intentional [housing] community, created and run by its residents”. It is about building strong and resilient housing communities in which residents have strong relations with each other and can share some objects, some spaces and support each other. Residents hold all power in a Cohousing scheme and decide in both design questions as well as in how the community is managed.

On the introduction evening there will be a presentation from Kjarnasamfélag Reykjavíkur. There will also be time for discussions. The upcoming workshops will be presented but they will be important events in the process of founding the first cohousing community in Iceland.

NOTE: You have to sign up by email because of covid restrictions: We have the possibility of adding another group if the first one fills up so please sign up a.s.a.p. if you are interested in participating.

The introduction evening is for everyone who is interested in cohousing and the process of founding one, – you are not committing to the project by coming.


E X P L A I N E R   V I D E O  A B O U T   C O H O U S I N G

F A C E B O O K   P A G E

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