INFO ON NORDIC FUNDING: Nordic Culture Point
Do you have an idea? Are you interested in Nordic cooperation but need information and inspiration? Do you want to know more about Nordic funding opportunities?
On Tuesday, November 15th, at 17:00 – 19:00, there will be a presentation about the grant programs available at Nordic Culture Point. If you are considering applying for a grant or want to hear more about the application process for a project, it is ideal to participate and ask all the questions you might have. Anna Skogster, senior adviser at NCP, will be there, tell about the types of grants that are available, go over the application process and give good advice.
It will be possible to make an appointment with her for a private consultation regarding a project, and we recommend sending her an email as soon as possible, as there are a limited number of appointments available.
Email: anna.skogster@nordiskkulturkontakt.org
17:00 – Presentation of grants
17:30 – Open for questions, chat and advice
18:00 – Chat and light refreshments