WANTED: Participants for movement workshops, conversations and work in progress showing with dance/performance company H2DANCE .

Choreographer Hanna Gillgren (SE) and Heidi Rustgaard (NO) are organizing movement workshops at Nordic House, looking at meetings between different communities, ages and cultures.  The workshops investigate how we interact, differences and similarities between ages and cultures as well as taboos and conventions. The workshops will result in a work in progress showing on Wednesday 18:00
Everyone can participate regardless of age, ability (minimum age: 7 years old. Any younger you will need a carer with you) and background. No dance or theatre experience is required.


There are 5 workshop opportunities and we would like you to commit to one or more of these:

Workshop 1:  Monday 27th June 16.00 till 18.00

Workshop 2:  Tuesday 28th of June 16.00 till18.00

Workshop 3: Tuesday 28th of June 19.00 till 21.00

Workshop 4:  Wednesday 29th of June 11.00 till 13.00

Workshop 5:  Thursday 30th of June 14.00 till 16.00
Maximum 20 participants for each workshop.

A work in progress showing will take place on the 29th of June at 18:00, and is open for audience. You should be available that day from 17.00. We would like all participants involved in this, and there will be a chance to meet and discuss the performance and the process with other participants, artists, friends and family.

WHAT will we be doing?

During the week H2DANCE will in collaboration with the participants develop a series of choreographic instructions that they respond to live during the performance using headphones. The instructions will aid the participants though a movement sequence, creating physical sculptures such as lines, tunnels and towers. The participants will step in and out of the sculptures allowing the shapes to constantly grow or shrink each time a person slots into or remove themselves from the sculpture, adjusting its shape and adding new perspectives

We will also have discussions with the participants on the themes of expectations, prejudices, norms and taboos in relation to meeting, within their culture and/or age, which will feed into and inspire the material we create together with them.

Having worked with non-dancers and community participants in three separate projects and contexts over the last 6 years, H2DANCE have developed a way of working, which include and support participants. By employing simple improvisation tasks where anyone can join in such as walking, standing, sitting and laying, alongside ways of making physical contact between the participants and the audience, we have made work that is adaptable to the participant’s ability.

Send your name, address, telephone number to Ania Obolewicz

at  (English)

Let us know what workshop dates suit you best.

There’s room for 20 people at most.

For more info about H2DANCE and their work, check out


Ania Obolewicz / Associate Producer

Konzept Arts & Ideas / H2DANCE

UK: +44 7805 632643



H2DANCE is choreographer/ performer duo Hanna Gillgren (Sweden) and Heidi Rustgaard (Norway), working between Norway, Sweden and UK. Their work sits in between performance and dance and can be characterized as interdisciplinary, often taking a humorous approach to serious subject matters.  The company collaborates with both professionals and amateurs, creating work that engages and responds to local communities.

H2DANCE has delivered commissions for The Place, Victoria & Albert Museum, Norrdans Sweden and LUDUS.  Hanna and Heidi lecture part time at Roehampton University and Laban Centre in London.

Their residency at Nordic House Reykjavík is one of several residencies throughout the year in 3 Nordic Countries and the UK, that H2DANCE are hosting in order to develop their new performance work.

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