Meet the Author Sissal Kampmann
Sissal Kampmann (born 1974) is a poet from the Faroe Islands who holds a master’s degree in Nordic literature. She made her debut in 2011 with the collection Ravnar á ljóðleysum flogi – yrkingar úr uppgongdini (“Ravens fly silently – poems from the ascent”), for which she was awarded the Klaus Rifbjerg Debutant Prize. Since then she has released four more collections that have reaffirmed her position as a powerful new lyrical voice in the Faroe Islands.
Sunnudagsland is Kampmann’s fifth poetry collection. Sunnudagsland (“Sunday Country”) is set in the village of Vestmanna in the Faroe Islands, where the poet Sissal Kampmann was born and raised. After spending 24 years away, primarily in Copenhagen and Tórshavn, she returned to the village to live there for a while. Her visit provides the context for this collection, the title of which refers to killing time on boring Sundays at the fringe of the world. Yet Sunnudagsland also refers to the special state of loneliness, boredom, and existential crisis that the poetic narrator seems to find herself in.
The event begins at 19.30, and everyone is welcome as long as there is room. The conversation, led by Jórunn Sigurdardóttir, Programm Manager with RUV, will be in Danish. Free entrance.
AALTO Bistro in the Nordic House is open for dinner guests before the event and offers a delicious dinner menu and light meals, all made with first-class ingredients. During the break, it is possible to enjoy light refreshments from AALTO Bistro.