Meet the author: Johannes Anyuru
Johannes Anyuru (1979) is a poet, author and dramatist. He grew up in Borås and Växjö with a Swedish mother and a Ugandian father. Anyuru was studying engineering but already in high school, he began writing poetry and he is today one of the most seminal voices in Nordic contemporary literature.
The event begins at 19.30, and everyone is welcome while there is room. The conversation, led by Culture Journalist Halla Þórlaug Óskarsdóttir will be in Swedish.
Free entrance.
Anyuru debuted in 2003 with the poetry collection Det är bara gudarna som är nya. His other poetry collection Omega (2005) is about a close friend’s death, and the third poetry collection Städerna inuti Hall / The Cities inside Hall (2009) is a political landscape of sadness. Anyuru had his novel debut with Skulle jag dö under andra himlar (2010) and he got his international breakthrough with the novel En storm kom från paradiset / A Storm blew in from Paradise (2012) which is a story about a father and son where rootlessness and identity play a major role. The novel was nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize and translated into several languages. The novel De kommer att drukna i sina mödrars tårar / The Rabbit Yard (2017) is a dystopian depiction of a future Gothenburg where Muslims must sign a citizen’s contract not to be called enemies of Sweden.
AALTO Bistro in the Nordic House is open for dinner guests before the event and offers a delicious dinner menu and light meals, all made with first-class ingredients. During the break, it is possible to enjoy light refreshments from AALTO Bistro.
Image: Moderna museet