Greenhouse Beach Party


Greenhouse Beach Party

Four graphic design students at the Icelandic Academy of the Arts have organised a greenhouse beach party as a part of a groupwork in the course of Utopia and Alchemy, taught by Sam Rees and Phoebe Jenkins. The team is working with the theme depression/SAD, hoping to raise awareness of this social issue and find an alternative way to improve it.

You are welcome to visit a hidden diamond at the periphery of Reykjavík center; the greenhouse of The Nordic House where floors have been filled with soil and healing powers. Guests will get the chance to walk barefoot on fresh soil and literally step closer to mother nature. The soil triggers the release of seratonin and dopamine in the brain, but this happy chemical can cure depression. Seeds, plants and pots will be given to those who want to bring a small momentum back home and keep the natural flow going.

Arnbjörg Kristín Konráðsdóttir tone healing therapist will fill the peaceful Vatnsmýri area with magical tones of the gong and copper harp. Organic endorfin drinks from Kjartan Óli Guðmundsson will be offered and the event is open to everyone free of charge.

Hugrún Lena Hansdóttir, Kolbeinn Jara Hamíðsson, Eva Kaljurand and Leifur Wilberg Orrason are the organisers of the event.

Image: Leifur Wilberg Orrason

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