Fate and karma, do we have a free will?
Fate and karma, do we have a free will?
According to the Grail Message
Wednesday 12th October, 8 pm in The Nordic House. Organizer: GRAL-NORDEN
Entry fee ISK 500.–
Lecture in English – Reading of an excerpt from the Grail Message in Icelandic
What are fate and karma? Why those twists of fate which turn our life upside down and seem to contradict the existence of our free will? In this lecture, the speaker, basing himself on the knowledge of the Grail Message, will show how fate forms itself strictly and logically according to the decisions we take with our free will and the activity of the law of sowing and reaping. Man is not the victim but the master of his fate.
Christopher Vasey is a Swiss-born naturopath and author of books on alternative medicine and spiritual subjects. Since 1988 he has written over 30 books which have been published in many languages. He regularly gives lectures.
Organizer: GRAL-NORDEN
Phone: 842 2552