Dorthe Højland Group -Nordic stories
Dorthe Højland Group -Nordic stories –
A five concert tour of Iceland. In the Nordic House 2. July, 8-10 pm.
Tickets 2000 ISK.
Dorthe Højland Group live in concert and a backdrop of slides of Icelandic nature scenes at select venues. A wholesome and riveting concert of newly composed Nordic jazz.
Dorthe Højland, saxophone (DK)
Jacob Højland, piano (DK)
Andreas Dreier, bass (N)
Henrik Nielsen, drums (DK)
Fredrik Holm, photographer (S)
A co-composing project by four jazz musicians based on photographs of Icelandic sceneries. Spectacular photographs of Icelandic landscapes help build visual moods and act as context for our compositions. Each musician is awarded two photographs, which become the starting point of his own individual composition. The result is a varied and contrasting concert, which includes unique compositions on a backdrop of Icelandic photographs. – An exceptional teamwork across the Nordic countries