Concert with People In Orbit
Free entry
Welcome to a concert with the band People In Orbit!
People In Orbit is Adam Sass’ explosive band. Electronic meets acoustic, chaos meets calm, and the free meets the arranged. Through all these types of soundscapes, magnificent, sazzy and inventive sounds are being created, which clearly sets the scene of different environments, persons and our own strange world.
The Swedish magazine, Orkesterjournalen, wrote this about the band’s performance at Ystad Sweden Jazz Festival 2022: I got totally struck by the Malmö based quintet, People In Orbit, which was flanked by Adam Sass’ trumpet, composition and Edvin Ekmans tenor sax and effects
About the debutalbum Patrik Lindgren at Swedish jazzmagazine at Lira wrote: Adam Sass is 24 years old and leads one of Swedens best young bands.
About the debutalbum Japanese Jazz Life wrote: Free improvisations and arranged parts melts together in a precise and natural way.
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