CIRCULAR CHRISTMAS: Silkscreen workshop and a swap market

13:00 - 15:00
Free entry

Have a circular Christmas this year!

Silk-screen printing with Prent og vinir: Bring your old clothes, t-shirts or any kind of textiles, and give them a new life with Prent og vinir – who will offer guests to make their own silk-screen prints. Participants can also bring scraps of paper or old paper bags and print their own circular Christmas cards or gift tags!

Christmas swap market: One man’s ”junk” is another man’s treasure! Bring items that you don’t have use for anymore – books, toys, board games, or something else you might have – and swap with others. Use the opportunity find environmentally friendly Christmas gifts that you can place under the tree in good conscience!

We look forward to seeing you! Make sure not to miss out on the new Christmas menu and drinks on offer at Sónó Matseljur.

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