Author night and knitting with Nina Granlund Sæther

Free entry
Photo of a woman knitting. She is smiling at the camera, has blond short hair and wearing an orange sweater.

Nina Granlund Sæther is from Norway and has written several books on knitting, including a thorough examination of Norwegian knitting traditions that include the origins far outside the Nordics, and how the craft came to our part of the world. She began to knit in early childhood and kept at it.

Nina will be coming to the Nordic House to tell us about the history of knitting, and about writing books on knitting, on Tuesday 18th of February at 7 PM. She will be interviewed by Unn Davidsen, who hosts the Nordic House knitter’s club. The event is free of charge and will be in Norwegian, but questions can be asked in any Scandinavian language or English.

Access to Elissa auditorium is ok but please note that there is a low threshold into the room. Accessible restrooms are on the same floor.

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