17:00 - 19:00
-In Ukrainian below-
We are very happy to have the Ukrainian artists in the Nordic house and welcome them varmly here in Iceland. On the 7th February we invite guests to an artist talk in Auditorium Elissa 5pm – 7pm.
During the artist talk the artists will unfold how they created their artworks related to the exhibition – and they will touch upon the themes related to their personal experience of the war, their longing for a peaceful life, their paths towards survival and their hope for the future.
Curator Yuliia Sapiha will moderate the conversation.
Language: English & Ukrainian with English translation
Please note that the Auditorium Elissa has good accessibility and accessible bathrooms are on the same level. If you feel we do not meet your needs, please let us know and we will find a way to make it possible for you to attend this event. email: Kolbrun (at) nordichouse.is
Live stream available here:
Ми дуже раді бачити українських художників у Nordic House і вітаємо їх тут, в Ісландії.
Під час розмови художники розкажуть про те, як вони створювали свої роботи, пов’язані з виставкою, а також торкнуться тем, пов’язаних з їхнім особистим досвідом війни, прагненням до мирного життя та надіями на майбутнє.
Модеруватиме розмову кураторка Юлія Сапіга