Architecture, Alvar and the city
10:00 - 17:00
Experiments, researches and mini models, showing houses of the future, seen through the eyes of ten-year-old children, will be in the lobby of the Nordic House during the Design March.
At the exhibition, you can see the work of the students of Hólabrekkuskóli, which were created this winter in collaboration with the teachers and pedagogue of the Nordic house.
The main inspiration for the project was the exhibition Wasteland Iceland and sustainability in architecture, but the project also includes general education about architecture, an examination of the structure of Breiðholt and the design of Alvar Aalto, who is the architect of the Nordic House. The project also focused on general discussion of the surroundings in order to increase students’ awareness of how the environment can affect the well-being of individuals.
During the production of the works, new materials that can also be found in the exhibition Wasteland Iceland, were mixed with other traditional and non-traditional materials for the modeling.
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