APRIL: Guided tours in English and Icelandic
Free entry
Welcome to a guided tour through the exhibition HOW DID I GET TO THE BOMBSHELTER
How did I get to the bomb shelter is a multidisciplinary group exhibition featuring seven contemporary Ukranian artists curated by Yulia Sapiha and produced by The Nordic House in Reykjavik. In the exhibition artists explore themes related to their personal experience of the war, their longing for a peaceful life, their paths towards survival and their hope for the future.
Artists: Kinder Album (b. 1982), Mykhaylo Barabash (b. 1980), Jaroslav Kostenko (b. 1989), Sergiy Petlyuk (b. 1981), Elena Subach (b. 1980), Art Group Sviter (b. 1982), Maxim Finogeev (b. 1989).