15:15 concert series – Aríur og þrjú hjörtu á aðventu
The Nordic House
F. Mendelssohn: Höre Israel og Lied ohne Worte op. 109
N. Boulanger: 3 verk, G. F. Händel: Piangero la sorte mia
S. Rachmaninoff: Vocalise op. 34 nr. 14, Ingibjörg Azima: Chrismas
Sigursveinn D. Kristinsson: Jólanótt og Hallgrímur J. Jakobsson: Christmas poem
Performing: Margrét Hrafnsdóttir, sopran
Ólöf Sigursveinsdóttir, chello og Agnieszka Bryndal, piano
Tickets are sold by the entrance.
Ticket price is 2000 kr. but 1000 kr. for elderly, disabled and students.