Novel (Danish)
Maren Uthag: En lykkelig slutning, 2019
A truly different family chronicle of the work of seven generations of undertakers, one undertaker more special than the other. Nicholas loves corpses but knows that it is socially and culturally unacceptable. Looking back on his family history, each generation’s bizarre tendencies unfold in the face of a booming business of superstition and ghosts, pity killings, epidemics, OCD, pyromania, cremation, and necrophilia. The book is not just a family drama but also an insight into the cultural history of death with its many facets of contemporary traditions and morals; something that we can learn from and be intrigued by the insight of today´s pandemic while being entertained by the author’s serious and humorous grasp of the individual’s psychological challenges. Read it and be amazed!
Picture from Bogmagasinet.