Information on Demos grant program: Funding for civil Society

11:30 -12:30
Alvar Aalto
Free entry

Would you like to know more about the opportunities for civil society organizations to apply for funding for Nordic collaboration projects? Do you perhaps work for an organization that wants to create networks and collaborate across borders? Then it’s a good idea to participate in the information session about Demos, the Nordic Council of Ministers’ new support program for civil society!

Registration is necessary, through email:
Please write if you will join us for lunch refreshment (sandwich) and if you need any special accessibility needs. 

You will receive:

· Information about Demos criteria

· Inspiration for your application

· Information about Nordic Culture Point and the Nordic Council of Ministers

· Sandwich and coffee/tea

· Opportunity to discuss with support advisor Anne Malmström

In connection with the Nordic Council’s session, Director Gitte Wille and Advisor Anne Malmström from Nordic Culture Point in Helsinki will visit the Nordic House in Reykjavik. You can also book an individual consultation with Anne during the days of the Nordic Council’s session: October 28-30, 2024. Send an email to to arrange a time. Limited spots are available.

The presentation will be in English but the private consultations can be in Swedish or English.

All are welcome!

Access to the Alvar meeting room is good, but there is a low threshold to enter the room. Accessible restrooms are on the main floor. A ramp leads from the parking lot to The Nordic House and there is an automatic button at the main entrance