The People’s Meeting
The People's meeting is an opportunity for the public and the politicians to meet and interact.
The People’s Meeting will be held at the Nordic House June 11th – 13th 2015.
The People’s Meeting is a vibrant three days festival on society and community, where people meet and discuss matters important to all of us. We will pitch tents in a camp where many different organizations invite to activities. We will experience spirited discussions, music and events. You can buy both food and drinks on the site, and there are ample parking spaces.
The Festival is inspired by other similar festivals held at the other Nordic countries and will span 3 days. At the festival guests will be able to participate in seminars about current issues such as the war in Syria, new ways of measure prosperity, human rights, tourism in Iceland, the Icelandic nature and the interior of Iceland and much more.
In between panel discussions the cream of Icelandic musicians will entertain.
Thursday June 11
Lúðrasveit verkalýðsins marching band plays welcoming the guests. Minister of Social Affairs Ms. Eygló Harðardóttir addresses the assembly. Mr. Mikkel Harder, director for the Nordic House, gives a welcoming speech and musician KK performs. The presenter is Mr. Gunnar Sigurðarson.
Outdoor area
“Beautiful cars after the war.” The Danish author Mr. Lars Frost reads from his novel “Beautiful cars after the war“, which takes place in Iceland.
The Nordic Tent
How can cities promote peace? Höfði – The Reykjavik Peace Centre arranges a panel debate. The Peace Centre is a collaboration project by Reykjavik municipality and The Institute of International Affairs at The University of Iceland. Opening address: Ms. Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, specialist in innovation and conflicts. Panel: MP Einar K. Guðfinnsson, the speaker of Althing, MP Óttarr Proppé, Björt framtíð (Bright Future), Ms. Sigríður Björg Guðjónsdóttir, chief of police in Greater Reykjavik Area, Mr. Þórir Guðmundsson, division manager for relief and humanitarian work, The Red Cross of Iceland, Ms. Auður Lilja Erlingsdóttir, chairman for Samtök hernaðarandstæðinga (Civilians against Warfare), and Helga Þórey Björnsdóttir, anthropologist and adjunct in Iceland Uni.
The war in Syria. UNICEF arranges a seminar on the situation in Syria. Ms. Steinunn Björgvinsdóttir gives a lecture on the fugitives’ condition and how fighting and being a fugitive affects the children.
Ms. Steinunn Björgvinsdóttir worked for many years for UNICEF in Jordan and was the director of the country’s child protection program. She presently works for the International Medical Corps in close co-operation with UNICEF on location, for instance in the Za‘atari and Asraq fugitive camps in Jordan. She is still involved in child protection, now by training social workers involved in child protection. Auditorium
The Pirate School.
The Greenhouse
Creative Industries and/or Art? Artists and politicians disagree on how to approach the economic effects of the creative industries, and whether the mystic part of the arts disappears when economics overshadow the presentation and administration of art and culture. They disagree on definitions; what do you really mean by talking like politicians often do about “skapandi greinar / creative industries“. English and Scandinavian.
The Basement
Soffía Björg. Music.
Outdoor area
DALÍ. Music.
Outdoor area
Syrian food for fugitives. Mr. Jamil Kouwatli, a fugitive from Syria will, in collaboration with chef Sveinn Kjartansson at the Aalto Bistro in the Nordic House, offer food from Syria in connection with the seminar on the war in Syria. Every patron pays for one “extra meal” for fugitives in Syria. All proceeds go to support the emergency work of UNICEF for children in Syria and its neighbour countries.
Outdoor area
Bridging the generation gap. Ung vinstri græn and Eldri vinstri græn (Left Green Youth & Left Green Seniors) discuss the situation in environmental protection and environmental affairs.
Opening of the Political Camp.
The Political Camp
New criteria on the prosperity of nations. Dr. Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir, MP Róbert Marshall, and economist Sigurður Jóhannesson reflect upon the question if using economic indicators is obsolete, and whether new indicators wouldn’t describe people’s quality of life in a better way than the GNP. Auditorium
Welfare protection in a box. The ALS/MND society points out, that people with disabilities have individual needs and therefore a user-controlled personal assistance is an important factor in their independent private lives. Representatives for the ASL/MND Society are moderators.
Outdoor area
What is the political movement Alþýðufylkingin? Visitors are presented for Alþýðufylkingin (The People’s Front) and the party’s platform.
The Basement
Approved or not approved. W.O.M.E.N. in Iceland invite to a seminar with the topic of recognition of the education of immigrants not acquired in Iceland. The association present themselves in a stall on site. The Basement
Bubble Ball. Politicians and representatives of the media compete.
Outdoor area
The youth organizations of the political parties invite to an open house.
The Political Camp
PAY THE ARTIST! SÍM – The Association of Icelandic Artists, are preparing their campaign, PAY THE ARTIST. The leaders of SIM invite representatives from art galleries, publishing houses, and the Ministry of Education to a fruitful discussion
Spottarnir. Music.
The Greenhouse
The people’s Quiz. An easy and fun-filled quiz show with focus on what is happening at The People’s Meeting.
The Basement
Friday June 12
Stand up for truth. Mr. Kristinn Hrafnsson and Mr. Norman Solomon discuss whistle-blowing and its importance. Mr. Solomon is an American journalist covering whistle-blowing and warfare all over the world.
Senior citizens invite you to have coffee and crullers.
The Political Camp
Environment and society. Discussions on the human effect on earth, the climate and natural resources. Moderator: Author Andri Snær Magnason.
The changing form of information. Administrative scientist Mr. Haukur Arnþórsson discusses the changing form of information from printed matter to digital presentation, the role of the state, and what characterises the information society of the future.
Mr. Halldór Auðar Svansson discusses the information policy of Reykjavik municipality.
The Basement
Protection of the Central Highlands. The conclusions from the seminar on the Protection on the Central Highlands from April 16 will be presented, as well as a lecture on activism.
Elected representatives invite guests.
The Political Camp
Nominations announced Nominations for The Nordic Counsel’s Nature & Environmental Price 2015. Ms. Sóley Tómasdóttir, speaker of the Reykjavik City Counsel explains why Reykjavik municipality received the price in 2014.
Outdoor area
No hate – responsible words. • Representatives for Heimili og skóli, National Parent´s Association in Iceland, invite to a debate on how best to encourage a more open and better society, what hate speech doesn‘t thrive.
Why does the mother tongue matter? • The importance of recognizing the mother tongue of children of other ethnicity than Icelandic.
The Meeting Room
The obligations of media during an election campaign. The media committee arranges this seminar with the following participants Ms. Katrín Jakobsdóttir, MP and former minister of education, Mr. Finnur Beck, chairman of the committee of minister of education and culture on the access of politicians and candidates to the media before elections, with recommendations delivered in 2013, Mr. Heiðar Örn Sigurfinnsson, journalist with the Icelandic State Broadcasting (RÚV), and Ms. Heiðdís Lilja Magnúsdóttir, the lawyer of the media committee. Ms. Arna Schram, a member of the media committee will be moderator.
Svavar Knútur. Music.
Outdoor area
The bosom friend. Ms. Ilmur Kristjánsdóttir, a member of Reykjavik City Counsel for Björt framtíð, becomes the talkative bosom friend of the participants on welfare issues.
The Basement
Everything you always wanted to know about the EU, but were afraid to ask. • A concise course on the EU, in two parts: History and organization/policy and role. The teachers are: Dr. Eiríkur Bergmann and docent Magnús Árni Skjöld Magnússon.
The Meeting Room
The Pirate School.
The Greenhouse
A date with the MPs of VG. • Check out The Left Green (Vinstri græn) and blaze away with all your questions.
The Basement
Elected municipal council members invite guests.
The Political Camp
The importance of NGOs. The importance of NGOs in the social discourse and as means of pressure. Auditorium
New books on Icelandic affairs. A discussion on new Icelandic books on social issues. We interview: Mr. Björn Þorláksson (Mannorðsmorðingjar?), Mr. Eggert Skúlason (Andersenskjölin) and Mr. Héðinn Unnsteinsson (Vertu úlfur). Moderator: Mr. Helgi Seljan from Icelandic State Broadcasting (RÚV).
The Basement
The values in Nature – Respect and kindliness. Mr. Gunnar Hersveinn.
The Nordic Tent
The Nordic language comprehension – does it matter? Ms. Björg Eva Erlendsdóttir, chairman of The Norden Association in Reykjavik.
The Nordic Tent
Youth and the Northern regions. Young people discuss the importance of the Northern regions, both politically and environmentally.
The Basement
A century of Women’s suffrage in Iceland and Denmark. With:
Dr. Auður Styrkársdóttir, director for Women’s History Archives, and authors Ms. Leonora Christina Skov and Ms. Gerður Kristný.
Moderator: Ms. Charlotte Bøving, actress and director.
The rally songs! Members of The Left Green sing political & rally songs! Everybody is invited.
The Basement
Women celebrate a century of Women’s suffrage.
The Political Camp
Disco-soup. The youth groups of Slow Food and Vinstri græn (The Left Green) arrange disco-soup, a vibrant event where people gather to make meals out of raw materials that otherwise would be discarded, as well as listening to good music.
Outdoor area
The political youth groups arrange an open house.
The Political Camp
On Nordic notes, folk songs and a stand-up comic. Mr. Aðalsteinn Ásberg and Ms. Ása Aðalsteinsdóttir sing Nordic folk songs. Mr. Snorri Helgason and Ms. Saga Garðarsdóttir sing popular Nordic songs. Mr. Ari Eldjárn proves himself as an Inter-Nordic stand-up comedian.
The Nordic Tent
The documentary Blueberry Soup.
The Constitutional Society and The Pirate Party together arrange screening of the documentary Blueberry Soup that was filmed here in Iceland. The film is in English, without subtitles.
The screening is immediately followed by a discussion on the film with the director, Ms. Eileen Jerrett. Mr. Andri Snær Magnason, Ms. Katrín Oddsdóttir, MP Jón Þór Ólafsson and musician Svavar Knútur also participate in the discussion.
3 basískar – Music
Outdoor area
Love and the rental market. Ms. Ugla Egilsdóttir and Ms. Saga Garðarsdóttir invite an interesting guest to discuss what is happening in politics here and now.
The Basement
Saturday June 13
A trip through tourism services. The Icelandic Tourism Research Centre arranges a seminar, where participants are invited on a trip through the Icelandic Tourism Services, now at important crossroads. Auditorium
Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn (The Independence Party) invites everybody to a discussion.
The Basement
Senior citizens invite you to have coffee and crullers.
The Political Camp
The nobility and the people – a discourse on a new social contract. A lecture by Dr. Antoni Abat Ninet, a specialist in constitutional law at the University of Copenhagen. Icelandic scholars discuss with the lecturer, as well as answering questions from the public. In English.
Matti Kallio. Music.
Outdoor area
The visions of the leaders of the Icelandic political parties in Althing. The leaders of all the Icelandic political parties in Althing discuss Iceland’s present and future.
A Nordic Culture presentation. Representatives from all the Nordic countries tell about their lives and bring personal objects to show-and-tell.
The Nordic Tent
Teitur Magnússon. Music.
Outdoor area
The discussion programme. Ms. Heiða Kristín Helgadóttir, host of Umræðan talk show on Channel 2 invites guests to discuss the newly finished meeting of Iceland’s political leaders.
The Library
Sidmennt Seminar and discussions with Mr. Jóhann Björnsson.
The Meeting Room
Civil Wages. Ms. Halldóra Mogensen, substitute MP for the Pirate Party, discusses civil wages (essentials of living).
The Basement
Trio Nord. Music.
The Greenhouse
How has the interaction between the trade union movement and politics changed lately? The Icelandic Confederation of Labour (ASÍ) arranges a seminar with lectures concerning the world of politics, the labour movement, and the academic community. Then the lecturers participate in a panel discussion on the issues.
The chairmen of the political parties invite guests.
The Political Camp
The Pirate School.
The Greenhouse
The consumer’s responsibility in environment protection. Ms. Margrét Marteinsdóttir discusses the consumer’s responsibility in environment protection.
The Basement
A performance at the memorial site for the victims of Utøya. Mr. Þorvaldur S. Þorvaldsson, Mr. Bogi Ágústsson, and Ms. Una Hildardóttir.
The Nordic Tent
A guided tour through the bird sanctuary. Fuglavernd (BirdLife Iceland) invites you to an easy walk through the bird sanctuary in Vatnsmýri.
Outdoor area
Members of Althing invite guests.
The Political Camp
Alþýðufylkingin teaches rally songs.
Outdoor area
Why we are the Pirate Party, and where do we originate? Ms. Birgitta Jónsdóttir discusses the history of The Pirate Party.
Closing ceremony.
Outdoor area