Sjálfboðaliðasamtök og hamfarir -Ráðstefna
13:00- 17:00
Sjálfboðaliðasamtök og hamfarir -Ráðstefna
Norræna húsið 25. apríl frá klukkan 13:00 – 17:00. Ráðstefnan fer fram á ensku og er öllum opin.
Nánari upplýsingar um ráðstefnuna á ensku.
Workshop on “Volunteer organizations in disaster”
Nordic House, Reykjavik, Iceland
Monday 25/4 2016 (1300-1700).
The workshop is a joint arrangement between University of Iceland, Mid Sweden University and Nordic Welfare Watch. Participants are among others, researchers and professionals from official social services, rescue services and voluntary organizations.
Moderator: Ragnar Þorvarðarson,Vice- Chair of the Reykjavík Red Cross Branch
1300 Welcome, Kristján Sturluson, Director of Administration, Hafnarfjörður municipality.
1315-1415 Red Cross – a national resource in times of crisis. What does the Red Cross do?
The Icelandic Red Cross, Jón Brynjar Birgisson, Director of Disaster Operation
The Swedish Red Cross, Fayyad Assali,
The Danish Red Cross, Ziga Friberg
Group Discussion – what can we learn from each other
1430-1530 ICE-SAR – The Icelandic volunteers. What does ICE-SAR do?
ICE-SAR. Dagbjartur Kr. Brynjarsson. Director/Rescue School.
ICE-SAR Accident Prevention groups.
ICE-SAR (Youth groups)
Group Discussion – what can we learn from each other
1545-1645 Nordic research on volunteers in disaster.
Docent Steinunn Hrafnsdóttir, Faculty Social Work – The management of volunteers during crisis
Professor Roine Johansson, Risk and Crisis Research Center – The role of voluntary organizations in disasters
Edda Þórðardóttir, – PhD candidate, University of Iceland -A real case- The 1995 Avalanches in Iceland