HÁSKÓLADAGURINN – Noroff School of technology and digital media
12:00 - 16:00
HÁSKÓLADAGURINN – Noroff School of technology and digital media
Komið og hittið okkur í Norræna húsinu á háskóladeginum 3. mars frá kl. 12 – 16 !!
Við hlökkum til að koma til Reykjavíkur og taka þátt í Háskóladeginum 3. mars og við vonumst til að hitta þig!!
Vinir okkar í Norræna húsinu ætla að taka á móti okkur svo að við getum tala við þig og kynnt þig fyrir skólanum okkar og hvað hann hefur upp á að bjóða!!
Noroff is a Norwegian educational institution made from a strong digital DNA. We design and develop our own study programs together with relevant industry partners, thus accommodating the future’s demand. We strive to provide our students with an education, which is adapted to a digital and technological dominated future. Our students will obtain the necessary education and resources to contribute to the ever-changing digital market.
Noroff Education
Noroff Online Studies offers complete study programs on the web with close teacher/lecturer supervision, video lessons, blogs and lectures with tips from professionals in the industry.
Noroff University College offers bachelor programs in Applied Data Science, Digital Forensics, and Interactive Media for Games and Animation. It is located in Kristiansand, and planning to expand to our new campus in Oslo.
Noroff Vocational School provides an alternative or supplement to college and university education. The vocational school campuses are located in Oslo, Bergen, Kristiansand and Stavanger.