Ráðstefna – Basic Income and the Nordic Welfare Model
Basic Income and the Nordic Welfare Model- er yfirskrift ráðstefnu sem haldin er í Norræna húsinu 31. ágúst- 1. september.
Watch the LiveStream here. It will also be available after the event.
Ráðstefnan er skipulögð af BIEN Iceland (The Basic Income European Network).
Nánari upplýsingar: contact@ubi-nordic.org
Dagskrá (á ensku)
Conference day 1, Thu 31. August
Nordic Welfare Model and UBI
10:00 Welcome words
10:10 Dr. Stefan Olafsson, U. of Iceland
10:45 Dr. Peter Abrahamson, U. of Copenhagen
11:30 Dr. Louise Anne Haagh, U. of York
12:10 Lunch
13:30 Salvör Gissurardottir, U. of Iceland
14:00 Birgitta Jonsdottir MP in the Icelandic Parliament
14:30 Albert Svan, BIEN Iceland – Basic income for a sustainable future
15:00 Øyvind Steensen BIEN Norway
15:30 Panel discussion and questions
16:30 End of day 1
Conference day 2, Fri 1. September
Basic Income experiments and results
10:00 Highligts from previous day
10:10 Markus Kanerva on Finnish basic income project
10:45 Dr. Jurgen De Wispelaere
11:30 Dr. Karl Widerquist
12:10 Lunch
13:30 Panel discussion and questions
15:00 End of conference