Hittið listamenn og verið með í þeirra ferli að hamingju!
Hittið listamenn og verið með í þeirra ferli að hamingju!
Would you like to share your thoughts around the word „LUCKY“, this is the moment!
The Nordic House has three artist in residency working on a new stage production, and they are interested in talking to you during their creative process.
It will be an open dialog and they will also share some text with you (English).
Please come by for a coffee or tea and join the creative process!
Who are you: all ages are welcome, any type of background, can speak and understand English (basic), and want to talk to the artist that work with the topic „LUCK/LUCKY“.
Time: Saturday 25th at 13:00
Where: The Nordic House, Sturlugata 5, 101 Reykjavik. Room: Aina Aalto
The talk will last around 1h 30 min.
Sharing: Annika Ostwald (SE/NO) & Agnija Seiko (LIT)
Residency: Annika Ostwald (Dance artist), Agnija Seiko (Dance artist), Vaiva Grainyte (writer)