Airwaves off venue- Norræn nánd – vol. 2
Þann 8. og 9. nóvember frá kl. 12-19 svífa tregablendnir þunglyndistónar yfir mýrinni og norræn nánd ræður ríkjum.
Norræna húsið býður í tilefni af Airwaves upp á tvær órafmagnaðar tónleikaraðir með eftirsóttu íslensku og alþjóðlegu tónlistarfólki. Aðgangur er ókeypis!
12:00 – 12:45 Oak & Shaw (DK)
13:00 – 13:45 Nico Guerrero (FR)
14:00 – 14:45 MIMRA (IS)
15:00 – 15:45 Liva Mo (DK)
16:00- 16:45 Bláskjár (IS)
17:00 – 17:45 Miké Thomsen (GL)
18:00 – 18:45 Sigmar Matthíasson´s Aurora
Fleiri viðburðir á Airwaves off-venue í Norræna húsinu
- Airwaves off-venue- Norræn nánd – vol. 1 þann 9. nóvember
- Airwaves Fjölskyldufjör í Norræna húsinu þann 10. desember
Nánari upplýsingar
Oak & Shaw (DK) Kl. 12:00 – 12:45
Oak & Shaw consists of Kaja Mærk Egeberg (NO) and Tobias Shaw (DK), who together produce organic, electronic indie pop music. Their music examines the encounter between the digital and the analogue, and the sound moves through dark forests and open fields. Clear melodies and poetic texts are challenged by electronic beats and samples of everything from fir cones to sheep.
Nico Guerrero (FR) Kl. 13:00 – 13:45
Founder of the French band „Vortex“ (Les Disques du Soleil et de l’Acier) with Sonia Cohen-Skalli in the early 90’s, Nico Guerrero is an experimental guitarist and composer living in Paris and in Reykjavík, working on the electro-acoustic possibilities/transformations generated by electric guitar.
MIMRA (IS) Kl. 14:00 – 14:45
MIMRA is the guise of Icelandic singer, composer and producer María Magnúsdóttir. Her music could best be described as electro-acoustic folk-pop or orchestral pop. MIMRA performs her multi-dimensional arrangements as a solo act on stage. She brilliantly sings along electronic beats and soothing synths, using loop pedals and keyboard to her aid with extravagant results.
Liva Mo (DK) Kl. 15:00 – 15:45
Liva is a Danish singer-songwriter and pop-artist. Her music varies in style and is inspired by a mixture of the singer-songwriter tradition, alternative pop, folk, electronica, baroque-music and electro pop.
Bláskjár (IS) Kl. 16:00- 16:45
Bláskjár is the alter ego and solo project of Icelandic composer and musician, Dísa Hreiðarsdóttir. Bláskjár´s music is best described as lyrical folk music where storytelling plays a big role.

Sigmar Matthíasson´s Aurora Kl. 18:00 – 18:45
His sound is best described as a magnificent blend of hardcore groove and colorful melodies with influences ranging from Megadeth and Led Zeppelin to Jaco Pastorius and Ray Brown. His most recent project is the jazz quartet AURORA that mostly plays Matthiasson’s original compositions.
Skoða fleiri viðburði í Norræna húsinu